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Eimpound’s new feature uploads paper notices and documents for electronic notification

Las Vegas, NV — Launched in 2017, eimpound.com is a free web service allowing law enforcement and tow providers to electronically identify and notify lien holders and owners. Its newest feature allows users to upload paper notices and documents for electronic distribution to lien holders and secured parties; a significant addition, as all states require this as part of the notification process.


Approximately 1500 users across the United States and Canada use eimpound, and operators report they are thrilled with the no-cost service. The site is easy to use:


  • Users just go to the website (www.eimpound.com) and enter a VIN or tag. If the information exists in the eimpound internal lien record database, the user receives an e-receipt with contact information for the lien holder. Eimpound also sends the lien holder an electronic notification if there’s a match in the database. 


  • If the database doesn’t have it, eimpound keeps searching – for no cost.


  • If the desired information isn’t immediately available in the eimpound database, eimpound pays to search for and retrieve it from other databases across all 50 states and North America. The original requester receives the information on the registered owner and lien holder within two business days of their original search. In Canada, the eimpound team pays for a PPSA search, saving these costs for the tow provider.


Towing services and law enforcement use eimpound a variety of ways: VINs or tags can be entered one at a time, by batch file, or through an automated batch feed on a timely basis (daily, weekly, monthly). There’s nothing to lose: if there is a match and notification, great. If there is no match, nothing lost. And even when eimpound takes on the cost and effort of an additional search, the service is still completely free for all users.



Free app for scanning and loading VINS


Eimpound also offers an app for Apple and Android devices; it’s free to download and free to use, just like the online service! The app allows users to scan a VIN with their phone or tablet and tap into all the benefits of the eimpound website. All you do is line up the red line of the app scanner across the VIN barcode (not the VIN numbers). The app recognizes the barcode, takes a scan and sends the code to eimpound. (It doesn’t take an image of the VIN) Confirmation is displayed immediately on the screen, and that’s all it takes.


Search for “eimpound” on Google Play or the App Store, or download from:






Eimpound encourages users to let us know whatever we can do to improve the eimpound experience.



Headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada, eimpound is powered by Locator Technologies and has over 35 million U.S. lien holders’ liens and Canadian secured party records in its database. Locator Technologies also powers AutomobileMonitor.com and LocatorTechnologies.com, providing electronic notifications and updates to lien holders and insurers on the vehicles they care about. For or more information, visit eimpound.com, www.AutomobileMonitor.com or LocatorTechnologies.com.

TDLR Strategic Planning Session Dates and Locations

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) invites you to join us for our 2018 Strategic Planning Sessions in Arlington! These face-to-face sessions are your opportunity to share your ideas and opinions with us directly about how we’re doing and how we can improve. Your feedback during these open and interactive sessions will help us chart the course for TDLR’s future.

April 9, 2018
Crowne Plaza Hotel Arlington
700 Avenue H East

April 9, 2018
Radisson El Paso Airport
1770 Airway Blvd.
El Paso, Texas

April 16, 2018
Crowne Plaza Northwest
12801 Northwest Freeway
Houston, Texas

April 16, 2018
DoubleTree Suites
1800 S 2nd Street
McAllen, Texas

April 23, 2018
Wyndham Garden Hotel Austin
3401 S. IH-35

Your Voice Matters

We value your input and look forward to hearing from you. During each session participants will be asked to respond to the following questions about TDLR:

What are we doing well?
If you were king or queen for a day, what changes would you make to TDLR’s laws, rules, or processes?
During the next five years, what major changes do you expect in your profession or industry, and in the state of Texas?
What changes should we make to prepare for the next catastrophic event, such as Hurricane Harvey?

Ideas and suggestions from strategic planning sessions make a difference. We make process improvement and rule changes based on your feedback, and we share your feedback with state lawmakers. Your ideas can create real change for Texas.

TRAA ELD Exemption Petition - Comment Period is Open!

On December 13, 2017, the Towing and Recovery Association of America, Inc.® (TRAA) submitted a petition to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) for an exemption from electronic logging device (ELD) requirements for the towing industry.

Together the TRAA Cabinet and the TRAA Legislative Advocacy Network® (TRAA LAN™) have worked diligently on behalf of the towing industry to present a compelling argument for a much-needed exemption. The petition was posted to the Federal Register on January 10, 2019 ( https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/01/10/2018-00247/hours-of-service-of-drivers-application-for-exemption-towing-and-recovery-association-of-america-inc ).

We need the towing industry to submit positive, factual, and informational comments in favor of our request. It is vital that the comments are well thought out and supportive of our argument.

Therefore, we are asking each State Towing Association to reach out to their members and ask them to comment in support of this petition. In addition, if your association has a relationship with any other organization that might be in support of our exemption request, please ask them to submit positive comments as well. The comment period ends on February 9, 2018.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the TRAA Office at contact@traaonline.com or TRAA Legislative and TRAA LAN™ Chair, Joanne Blyton at joanne@billingstowingandrepair.com .

TRAA Files for Exemption from Electronic Logging Devices

Brian J Riker
Fleet Compliance Solutions, LLC

January 10, 2018. The Towing and Recovery Association of America, Inc. (TRAA) has petitioned the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) for a renewable, five year exemption from the electronic logging device (ELD) mandate. Today, the FMCSA has published a notice and request for comments in the Federal Register seeking input from industry stakeholders and the general public. The public comment period is open for thirty days beginning today. Comments can be filed at regulations.gov, reference Docket No. FMCSA-2017-0372, or by writing the FMCSA at; 
Docket Management Facility 
U.S. Department of Transportation 
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., West Building, Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 
Washington, DC 20590-0001
Be sure to reference Docket No. FMCSA-2017-0372.

It is imperative that towers file comments on this request so that our industry is not burdened with this costly regulation.

Want to file your comments?. This will take you directly to the correct docket to file comments on


Living Wealth Workshop - April 28 and 29

Embassy Suites
2401 Bass Pro Drive, Grapevine, Texas, 76051

Has anyone ever showed you how to get all your money back on anything you buy?

This is not a gimmick, get rich quick scheme, or sales presentation. It's purely educational in nature to share with you about a process that has been around for over 200 years that most people are unfamiliar with.

The Infinite Banking Concept is the most efficient way of using your money in your lifetime and leave a legacy to your loved ones.
It is a process, not a product; that gives you the ability to leverage your money tax-free with guaranteed growth. Not only is your money in a stable, tax free growth environment, but you have freedom to use your money at any time.

What you'll learn in the Living Wealth Workshop:

• How to get all your money back on major purchases
• How keeping your money in motion is better than letting it sit
• How the banking business works
• How to recapture the cost of cars, even make a profit on them
$400,000 of debt in under 5 years
• Plan better for retirement

Please contact Chris Shortino, Shortino & Associates, for more details at chris.shortino@gmail.com or 214-641-1890

Legislative Update

Southwest Tow Operators & DeNovo Legal Solutions brings you:

Towing & Storage Law Update

DeNovo Legal Solutions, LLC • March 21, 2017 • Legislative Update Vol. 2

Texas Legislature Proposes Massive Revisions to Texas Towing and
Storage Laws

Click Here to view

More Articles...

  1. Legislative Update
  2. Emergency Environmental Services
  3. Give Me A Break! Am I exempt from HOS or ELDs?
  4. Be Responsible on the Road
  5. Driving in the Rain
  6. Text Message for Towing Dispatch
  7. Increase Your Tows
  8. Catastrophe Response Team
  9. Merchant Credit Card Processing
  10. NTTA: "Prizes, Surprises and Reward -- TollPerks Has Launched"
  11. Miller Industries Announces Successful Federal Heavy-Duty Towing Legislation
  12. Proposed New Towing Law Now Section 5514 to H.R.22
  13. Proposed New Towing Law Now Attached to H.R.22 and H.R. 2577
  14. UPDATE - Amendment No. 42 on H.R. 3763
  16. Keystone Tape and Supply returns to San Antonio
  17. Show Bolsters Texas Tow Industry
  18. 2015 Legislative Wrap-Up
  19. Affordable Care Act - Continues
  20. Beacon Software
  21. Car Part Salvage
  22. Lunch and Learn with IAA
  23. STO Alert! - Latest TDLR Interpretations of Towing & VSF Laws
  24. Dom’s Wrap-A-Wreck
  25. A Letter from Automatic Data Processing
  26. Chris Brian was awarded a Letter of Commendation
  27. Killeen: Local Police Plan Special Traffic Enforcement
  28. Pierce Sales recognized by Better Business Bureau
  29. TDLR News!
  30. Why Finance now?